Carbs Can Be Good For You, But Not When This Happens To You

Does anyone out there not enjoy their carbs? You won’t be seeing me living without carbs. At one stage of my life, I did this — and let’s say I lived many years to regret the damage it did to my bodies ability to burn fat.

Ange Dim
5 min readJun 3, 2021
That’s a carb binge! Image purchased from Freepik.

During my bodybuilding days, I would swap and change my carb load regularly. Until one day, I stopped eating carbs altogether. When I had smaller, timed carbs, I was stronger, leaner and felt that my muscle definition was full.

When I took carbs away, the opposite happened. I felt flat and lifeless. I would always burn through the muscle.

Not all carbs are created equal, and they aren’t the catalyst for rapid weight gain and many other negative warps carbs have gotten over the years. They are a necessity in our diets, no matter how young or old we are.

Surprisingly, cabs (when eaten in proportion and timed) can help to make you leaner than you are. Yes, you did hear that right! But unfortunately, when you don’t know how to manipulate carbs to get leaner, the results may be weight gain.



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: