The hardest dietary change to make, but the best results in doing so.

Ange Dim
3 min readFeb 16, 2021

Dietary and lifestyle habits are probably the most challenging things to change in your life. It takes a lot of persistence and will power in the beginning. It’s human nature to get comfortable in the surroundings we are currently in — even though they may not serve us in the best way. We can sometimes get caught up in that spiral until one day we wake up and either our health is suffering, or we’ve put on weight unexpectedly. I say this with certainty as it’s been my own story for many years.

One of the most challenging yet most beneficial habits I changed was my sugar addiction.

I was the kind of person who got high on sugar. I even had three sugars in my coffee three times per day. Yes, I know that’s quite sickening indeed.

I also snacked on candy which I kept in my office draw. They would be ready when that 3 pm slump hit, and I would instantly get my hit again to make it through to 5 pm.

Did these help me in any way? No way. I was always getting sick; I had outbreaks and experienced random fat stores around my body. I believed back then I had a healthy diet, and I remember my trainer saying to me “Ange, it’s not exactly an ideal breakfast when you have white toast with butter and vegemite.” Yes, that’s pretty gross now. I don’t think I’ve eaten…



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: