What if the ultimate disease-fighting medication was the food you don’t consume every day?

Ange Dim
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. I truly live by this principle and believe that every ailment we have, pain, discomfort or disease, can in some way, be controlled or eliminated by food.

As a sufferer of food allergies and intolerances all my life, I know how vital nutrition pays in my overall health. One wrong move and I can be ill for days on end, and cause many problems for my immune system and digestion.

Some people don’t experience insurmountable pain for not following a proper nutritional plan. Unfortunately, the symptoms and signs can become apparent later on in life.

For instance, my mum was a celiac sufferer for over 20 years. At the time of her diagnosis, she was put on a gluten-free diet. Mum and I would scour the supermarkets and health food outlets for things we could buy, and stuff she can use to make bread. For many years, she was eating processed bread and other snacks (I was too mind you) and now in her 80’s she has diabetes. This could have been reversible with some common knowledge regarding food additives, and even reading labels correctly. We tend to look at the allergen, not the actual nutritional value and ingredients.



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: https://bit.ly/4cHgO8r